masatalemi|تعميم رسمي عاجل  صادر من وزارة التربية والتعليم

masatalemi|تعميم رسمي عاجل  صادر من وزارة التربية والتعليم


فأشير إلى كتاب عطوفة رئيس ديوان الخدمة المدنية رقم ( ٨١٦٢/١١/٧٥ ) تاريخ ۲۰۲۳/٧/٢٦ ، المتعلق بتوافر برنامج مقدم من الحكومة التركية مدته ( 10 ) أشهر يعقد في مدينة ( أنقرة / تركيا ) في مجال : ” تعلم اللغة التركية ” ، خلال الفترة من ٢٠٢٣ / ١١-٢٠٢٤ / ٦ وضمن الشروط الأنية : – أن تنطبق على المرشـح شـروط المادة ( ١٢٧ ) من نظام الخدمة المدنية رقم ( 9 ) لسنة ( ٢٠٢٠ ) وشروط الجهة المانحة المبينة في ( المرفق ) . – سيتم الإيعاز لمن يقع عليه الاختيار من التواصل مع الجهة المانحة لاستكمال إجراءات التسجيل . أرجو تعميم الموضوع على موظفي ( إدارتكم / وحدتكم / مديريتكم ) والإيعاز لهم بزيارة الموقع الإلكتروني للوزارة : ، والاطلاع على الشروط الخاصة بالمنحة والوثائق المطلوبة ثم تعبئة طلب الترشيح الإلكتروني مباشرة في موعد أقصاه ٢٠٢٣/٨/5 ، وسيتم استبعاد أي طلب مخالف للشروط .

THE TURKISH LANGUAGE PROGRAM FOR PUBLIC OFFICIALS AND ACADEMICIANS 2023-2024 The Turkish Language Program for Public Officials and Academicians ( KATIP ) is a comprehensive fellowship program for the foreign public officials , diplomats , academicians , and researchers who wish to learn Turkish and get closely familiar with Türkiye . The program is aimed at contributing to the creation of communication networks which will serve for further development of the relations between Türkiye and fellow countries . Besides Turkish language instruction , KATIP Program offers a wide variety of activities whereby the participants can better acquaint theruselves with the Turkish culture and society . With seminars on diverse topics by eminent professors , cultural trips around Türkiye , workshops on classical Turkish arts and traditional sports activities , KATIP participants will have a chance to experience Türkiye’s cultural atmosphere closely . Throughout the program , the interaction of the participants with public institutions , think – tanks , media organizations and universities will also be encouraged through joint events and short – term internship opportunities create channels of institutional cooperation in various sectors between countries . Qualifications for the Candidates . For public officials ; to have worked at a relevant institution for at least 3 years preferably hold a Master / PhD degree • For academicians and researchers ; to be employed at a university / research center and preferably hold a Master / PhD degree . To be under the age of 40 as of January 1 2023 • To have English proficiency Not to be residing in Türkiye Not to have benefited or be currently benefiting from other Türkiye Scholarships programs Scope of the Program . The scholarship program lasts for 8 months . The scholarship covers the expenses of Turkish language education , monthly stipend , round trip airfare tickets , accommodation expenses , and the cost of all the trips and cultural activities during the program . Monthly stipend is 7.000 TRY for the 2022-2023 academic term . . Health insurance is covered by the candidates themselves . program is based in Ankara . . The language courses start from Al level of Common European Framework of Reference ( CEFR ) . Successful participants are entitled to receive B2 level Turkish language certificate at the end of 8 months . 80 percent attendance is mandatory for the classes , seminars and other events . • The financial support is reduced by 20 % for the participants who fail the level exams . If the participants continue to be absent in the classes or unsuccessful for the exams , the support provided to the participant will be canceled and the amount of support provided until that date will be collected from the participant .

الكتاب الرسمي الوزاري1

الكتاب الرسمي الوزاري 2

الكتاب الرسمي الوزاري 3

الكتاب الرسمي الوزاري 4

masatalemi|تعميم رسمي عاجل  صادر من وزارة التربية والتعليم

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